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Spider tortoise for sale | madagascar spider tortoise for sale | spider tortoise for sale uk | baby spider tortoise for sale  

The Spider tortoise for sale is named for the web-like pattern of yellow lines on its dark brown or black carapace, or shell. It has a dark head with yellow spots and a yellow, semi-hinged plastron that allows the tortoise to pull its head and front legs into its shell for protection. The tortoise’s legs and tail are generally brown. Males are slightly smaller than females and also have longer, thicker tails with a more developed terminal spine than females.

Spider tortoises spend time under vegetation to regulate their body temperature. They are most active during the wet season from November to April when vegetation is plentiful. During the dry season, these tortoises may aestivate—or enter a period of dormancy similar to hibernation—by burrowing into the sand. – orange tortoise spider for sale


The spider tortoise’s carapace can grow up to about 7 inches (17 centimeters). It is the smallest of the four endemic tortoise species of Madagascar. Females average just less than 5 inches (12 centimeters) in length and are usually slightly larger than males, which average 4.5 inches (11 centimeters).

Native Habitat

Spider tortoises are found only in a narrow belt of dry forest along the southwestern coast of Madagascar. Three subspecies occupy different parts of this range. However, Pyxis a. arachnoides has the largest and most central range. The spider tortoise’s range roughly overlaps with that of the radiated tortoise, except int he northern extent of its range. These tortoises live in semi-arid or dry forests, and their habitat consists primarily of sandy areas with spiny vegetation, such as succulents and shrubs. They tend to inhabit areas with 30 to 50 percent canopy cover.
Food/Eating Habits

Spider tortoises eat grasses, young leaves, roots, insects and even cow dung that contains insect larvae. At the Smithsonian’s National Zoo, they eat a prepared salad comprised of mixed leafy greens, such as collard greens, kale and chicory. They are also fed tortoise pellets.

Reproduction and Development

Little is known about spider tortoise reproduction. When the wet season arrives and their dormancy period ends, they begin to look for a mate. Female spider tortoises only lay one egg per clutch, so populations cannot quickly recover from a decrease in numbers. The tortoise eggs incubate for about 220 to 250 days before hatching.


Although no hard data exists, spider tortoises are believed to live up to 70 years.

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