leopard tortoise for sale Archives - Passion Tortoise https://passiontortoise.com/product-tag/leopard-tortoise-for-sale/ My WordPress Blog Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:29:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/passiontortoise.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/cropped-Passion-Tortoise-logo.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 leopard tortoise for sale Archives - Passion Tortoise https://passiontortoise.com/product-tag/leopard-tortoise-for-sale/ 32 32 208225526 Mata mata turtle for sale https://passiontortoise.com/product/mata-mata-turtle-for-sale/ https://passiontortoise.com/product/mata-mata-turtle-for-sale/#respond Sun, 26 Feb 2023 21:30:12 +0000 https://passiontortoise.com/?post_type=product&p=650 Mata Mata Turtle (Chelus fimbriatus) | mata mata turtle for sale | mata mata turtle for sale near me The mata mata turtle for sale is one of the neatest-looking turtles on the planet. It looks like debris found at the bottom of a vernal pool, such as leaves. In the wild someone might walk [...]

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Mata Mata Turtle (Chelus fimbriatus) | mata mata turtle for sale | mata mata turtle for sale near me

The mata mata turtle for sale is one of the neatest-looking turtles on the planet. It looks like debris found at the bottom of a vernal pool, such as leaves. In the wild someone might walk right past a large specimen. The carapace contains brown, red and black coloration. The species has a wide head and a pointy nose. Its neck has a rigid texture to help with the camouflage. Hatchling mata matas are more brightly colored and appear whitish or yellowish like a tropical leaf.

Mata Mata Turtle Size | baby mata mata turtles for sale

Mata mata turtles can measure more than 2 feet long. However, the typical size ranges from 16 to 20 inches long for full-sized adults.

Mata Mata Turtle Life Span

Exact details for the mata mata turtle life span is not really known, but most documentation shows the turtle’s average life is anywhere from 40 to 75 years. Some turtles can live more than 100 years if given the right care.

Mata Mata Turtle Caging

Mata mata turtle like slightly acidic water with a pH near 5 or 6. Increase acidity by adding sphagnum moss, which is very acidic. Shallow water is a good idea. A water depth of 8 to 10 inches for an adult, or 3 to 4 inches for a hatchling, is sufficient. Although these turtles spend much of their time in the water, they don’t swim around much. They lie still on the bottom most of the time.

Larger mata mata turtles, 16 inches and longer, require larger tubs or setups at least 4 feet by 4 feet. Smaller turtles can do well in smaller enclosures. The enclosure should allow for adequate room for the mata mata to move around. Make sure you have good filtration with these turtles. Oxygen flow is key because it helps fight unwanted bacteria in the water. Water should be changed regularly and kept as clear as possible.

Aquatic plants or artificial plants can be added for hiding places, which help reduce a mata mata’s stress. A log, branch or rock is a good idea for a basking area. Avoid using big rocks in the enclosure because this can cause cuts and scrapes that can lead to shell rot.

Mata Mata Turtle Lighting and Temperature | albino mata mata turtle for sale

Water temperatures around 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit are fine. Mata mata turtles are found in tropical environments, so they require higher temperatures. Position a basking light, such as a 75- to 150-watt heat bulb, about one foot above a basking spot. Add an additional UVB-emitting bulb for ultraviolet light. The basking area should be in the mid- to upper 90s.

Mata Mata Turtle Food | baby mata mata turtle for sale

Mata mata turtles are carnivores and prefer live fish. Minnows, platies, mollies, guppies, goldfish and sunfish are a fine selection. I have seen some turtles take night crawlers, as well. It is unusual to have them feed on commercial foods. You can keep the enclosure stocked with fish at all times and allow the mata mata to feed freely.

Be sure to put plenty of feeders fish in the mata mata’s enclosure. It can be difficult for your mata mata to try to catch one or two fish when it is hungry. Try to keep it stocked with 30 or 40 fish at a time. It will eat many at first and then a few here and there throughout the next 4 or 5 days depending on the size of your mata mata. A full size mata mata around can eat feeder (small) goldfish or larger rosies (minnows).

Mata Mata Turtle Handling and Temperament

I would advise against handling imported mata mata turtles until you get this species established and comfortable. This means the turtle is eating, active, and does not show any signs of illness or bad health. Mata mata turtles hatched in captivity can be handled a little more often, but small hatchlings should start eating and show signs of growth before you do much handling.

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High white leopard tortoise for sale https://passiontortoise.com/product/high-white-leopard-tortoise-for-sale/ https://passiontortoise.com/product/high-white-leopard-tortoise-for-sale/#comments Fri, 24 Feb 2023 01:33:27 +0000 https://passiontortoise.com/?post_type=product&p=552 Searching for the perfect baby leopard tortoise for sale – High white leopard tortoise for sale  High white leopard tortoise for sale is some of the most popular large-size tortoises among tortoise keepers for a reason. Fairly easy to keep, and very docile yet friendly, the leopard tortoise has a wonderful personality and makes a [...]

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Searching for the perfect baby leopard tortoise for sale – High white leopard tortoise for sale 

High white leopard tortoise for sale is some of the most popular large-size tortoises among tortoise keepers for a reason. Fairly easy to keep, and very docile yet friendly, the leopard tortoise has a wonderful personality and makes a fantastic addition to any reptile family. Whether you are looking for a baby leopard tortoise hatchling for sale, a well started baby leopard tortoises for sale, or a juvenile leopard tortoise or young adult leopard tortoise, we’ve got you covered! Our 100% captive bred baby leopard tortoise hatchlings are super cute, eating great and very active! Pardalis Babcocki is the smaller of the 2 leopard tortoise species (Pardalis Pardalis is the larger of the 2).

Leopard tortoise size

These little torts get around 9-14″ in overall size, most 9-12″ and can live 60-90 years! Very sweet-natured and definitely not shy when cared for correctly. These fantastic little tortoises make fantastic additions to any tortoise family. We highly recommend well started 6 month old or yearling baby leopard tortoises for sale. However, over the more fragile leopard tortoise hatchling for sale for those without baby tortoise keeping experience. Easier to care for well started 6-Month-old leopard tortoise babies for sale can be found by selecting either hatchling, 6-month-old well-started baby or well-started yearling from the drop-down menu. We also offer the giant South African leopard tortoise, as well as Giant Leopard tortoise hybrids for sale.’

Leopard tortoise hatchlings for sale

Even baby leopard tortoises for sale are decent climbers and you will often find them on top of their tortoise houses so keeping an eye on them in case they flip themselves in something that leopard tortoise owners learn quickly! Our baby leopard tortoise are vibrant in color and have a beautiful caramel over black and tan pattern. With a Biologist ON-SITE all of our tortoises for sale come with our full live arrival and 7-day health guarantee.

Shipping a baby leopard tortoise

At Tortoise Mart, we pride ourselves on selling only top-notch tortoises, ready to ship year-round to you via UPS or FedEx Overnight in heated, vented and insulated shipping boxes. One shipping charge covers up to 4 tortoises.

Leopard tortoise hatchlings for sale

Baby Leopard Tortoise Mart has the nicest baby leopard tortoise hatchlings for sale in the USA! Our baby leopard tortoises for sale all come with our full live arrival and health guarantee. We offer our leopard tortoise hatchlings in the following ages: Hatchlings, well started baby leopard tortoises for sale. Also, we offer both juvenile leopard tortoises and young adult leopard tortoises. When looking to purchase any baby tortoise hatchling for sale, consider the breeder.

baby leopard tortoise for sale – size at full maturity

Adult leopards grow from 9 to 18 inches long (most grow 9-14″ at full maturity) depending on where the tortoise comes from (what geographic subspecies it is from). Giant South African leopard tortoise subspecies, Stigmachelys pardalis pardalis, can grow up to 24 inches, however, most reach around 14-18″, and the leopard giants from Ethiopia and Somalia can grow up to 30 inches.

Female leopard tortoise hatchlings end up larger than male leopard tortoise babies for sale

Consider that most of the time you will find the females outgrowing the males. However, depending on the geographic origin of the leopard tortoise baby this may be reversed, or male and females may be of similar size. Remember that male leopards will have a concave plastron, and a longer tale, where females would have a much shorter tail and convex plastron.

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