box turtles for sale - Passion Tortoise My WordPress Blog Tue, 28 Jan 2025 22:04:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 box turtles for sale - Passion Tortoise 32 32 208225526 Caramel Pink Albino Red Eared Slide Thu, 25 May 2023 15:48:40 +0000 Caramel Pink Albino Red Eared Slider Caramel Pink Albino Red Eared Slider, are the result of nearly 20 years of very patient selective breeding for very beautiful color traits in Albino Red Eared Sliders. From pink to lavender skin highlights, eyes with deep blue iris’ and red pupils, to creamy white and golden tan shells, [...]

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Caramel Pink Albino Red Eared Slider

Caramel Pink Albino Red Eared Slider, are the result of nearly 20 years of very patient selective breeding for very beautiful color traits in Albino Red Eared Sliders. From pink to lavender skin highlights, eyes with deep blue iris’ and red pupils, to creamy white and golden tan shells, there are no other turtles in the world even close to these unique creatures.

The most common turtle available all over the world, Red Eared Sliders make excellent starter turtles, and adults will brighten up outdoor ponds in nearly all US temperature zones. They do well in tanks, water and land setups, and can easily be kept with most other species.

They bask frequently, and will even pile on top of each other for the best sunning position. In community set ups, it’s often the red ears example that quickens other species taming down. Red ears are omnivorous, eating pellets, most greens, insects, fish, mollusks etc.

Florida does have a special exception for the different color morphs including:

caramel pink albino turtle, caramel pink albino, caramel pink albino res for sale, caramel pink albino slider turtle

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Albino Red Eared Slider Thu, 25 May 2023 15:38:37 +0000 caramel pink albino red eared slider for sale | albino red eared slider albino red eared slider are one of the most striking of all turtles to One in a million, their survival in the wild is almost impossible. Luckily a few breeders, produce them for keepers to appreciate and enjoy. 5Ours are past the [...]

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caramel pink albino red eared slider for sale | albino red eared slider

albino red eared slider are one of the most striking of all turtles to One in a million, their survival in the wild is almost impossible. Luckily a few breeders, produce them for keepers to appreciate and enjoy. 5Ours are past the difficult early stages and well started. Albinos Red Ears behave the same as normal Red Eared Sliders, and they otherwise have the same husbandry requirements which follow:

The most common turtle available the world over, Red Eared Sliders make excellent starter turtles, and adults will brighten up outdoor ponds in nearly all US temperature zones. They do well in tanks, water and land setups, and when kept with most other species.

They bask frequently, and will even pile on top of each other for the best sunning position. In community set ups, it’s often the red ears example that quickens other species taming down. Red ears are omnivorous, eating pellets, most greens, insects, fish, mollusks etc.

*Please note that Virginia and Florida do not allow Red Eared Sliders to be possessed by the public – so we are not able to ship normal colored Red Eared Sliders to those states.


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Spotted Turtle for sale Mon, 27 Feb 2023 22:13:16 +0000   Spotted Turtle for sale | indian spotted turtle for sale  Passion Tortoise has some fantastic beautifully colored spotted turtles for sale (also known as North American spotted turtles for sale) The spotted turtle is known as perhaps the prettiest turtle in North America, is a freshwater turtle that lives in a variety of aquatic habitats [...]

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  Spotted Turtle for sale | indian spotted turtle for sale 

Passion Tortoise has some fantastic beautifully colored spotted turtles for sale (also known as North American spotted turtles for sale) The spotted turtle is known as perhaps the prettiest turtle in North America, is a freshwater turtle that lives in a variety of aquatic habitats across

Our Captive bred   are hand-fed on turtle pellets which can found in the turtle food for sale sectiofor sale are the following sizes: hatchlings, well-started baby , and yearlings.

Spotted turtles are well-tempered and very sociable as well as intelligent. They’re extremely personable turtles and can be easily hand-fed.

When choosing a baby  for sale it is important that you purchase a healthy animal from an experienced breeder. Captive-bred for sale should always be purchased over a wild-caught  when possible. Our stock of North American  for sale are top-notch and ready to ship to you via FedEx Overnight in heated or cooled, insulated shipping boxes and come with our live arrival and full 7-day health guarantee.

The best turtles and tortoises anywhere are from the  farm!
Remember when searching for any tortoises for sale, including a new baby tortoise for sale,

Passion tortoise  is your prime source for the best tortoise for sale, sa

baby tortoises for sale, baby turtles for sale, and adult turtles for sale of any turtle store anywhere.

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Golden coin turtle for sale Mon, 27 Feb 2023 20:56:13 +0000 Golden coin turtle for sale   The chinese golden coin turtle for sale is well known to the Chinese people as a component of traditional medicine, with unsubstantiated claims of having cancer-curing properties. It is also a talisman of good luck and prosperity. Unfortunately, the species has not had its share of good fortune. The [...]

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Golden coin turtle for sale  

The chinese golden coin turtle for sale is well known to the Chinese people as a component of traditional medicine, with unsubstantiated claims of having cancer-curing properties. It is also a talisman of good luck and prosperity. Unfortunately, the species has not had its share of good fortune. The turtle has been hunted to the verge of extinction across its natural range, from South China into Vietnam. As the species has vanished from the wild, market prices have soared, further increasing illegal poaching activity. Wild areas of Hong Kong represent its last chance for continued existence in the wild, with a small breeding population clinging on to life in remote valleys and streams. The species is listed as Critically Endangered, and considered one of the 25 most endangered turtles globally.

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Florida box turtle Mon, 27 Feb 2023 12:31:49 +0000 florida box turtle for sale | box turtle for sale florida We have some fantastic captive bred super colorful florida box turtles for sale.  is one of the most popular box turtles for sale online in the United States and is also known for being one of the more colorful species of box turtle for [...]

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florida box turtle for sale | box turtle for sale florida

We have some fantastic captive bred super colorful florida box turtles for sale.  is one of the most popular box turtles for sale online in the United States and is also known for being one of the more colorful species of box turtle for sale in the world.   Average size is 5.5-6″”.  Florida Box turtles  can live up to 80 years when properly cared for.  We currently have florida box turtle hatchings for sale, well started (recommended over the more fragile hatchlings) and cute and plump in stock as well as young adult

In captivity they enjoy an easy diet of berries, apples, worms, dubia roaches, meal worms, super worms, spring mix, dandelion greens, papaya, strawberry, apple, and Mazuri tortoise chow, dusted with calcium twice per week.  They are easy to care for and can make fantastic companion box turtles for sale.

Our Florida Box Turtles come from top quality adult florida box turtle breed stock and exemplify the species standard in both color, and temperament.  are fairly EASY in terms of care level, and make great additions to any turtle collection especially once they are at least 4 months old which is why we always recommend the well started or yearling baby florida box turtles for sale over the fresh hatchling florida box turtles for sale online.

With a Biologist ON SITE, all of our florida box turtles for sale online come with our live arrival and full 7 day health guarantee.  If you purchase a complete turtle setup kit from our shop, your turtle will automatically come with a 30 day health guarantee.  Our florida box turtles for sale are ready to ship to your door via FedEx in heated or cooled containers and will arrive the morning after shipment.  Typically they leave here around 7pm and are on your doorstep the next morning between 8-10am.

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Eastern box turtle for sale Mon, 27 Feb 2023 11:59:47 +0000 Eastern box turtle for sale |eastern box turtle for sale near me | eastern box turtle eggs for sale | eastern box turtle hatchling for sale The eastern box turtle for sale (Terrapene carolina carolina) grows to about 7 inches in length and has slightly webbed toes with four toes located on the hind feet. Their [...]

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Eastern box turtle for sale |eastern box turtle for sale near me | eastern box turtle eggs for sale | eastern box turtle hatchling for sale

The eastern box turtle for sale (Terrapene carolina carolina) grows to about 7 inches in length and has slightly webbed toes with four toes located on the hind feet. Their plastron (lower half of the shell) is hinged which allows them to draw the front and rear sections together against the carapace (upper half of the shell), which “boxes in” the turtle for protection.

Box turtle’s shells come in a diverse array of shapes and color patterns. Males usually have red eyes and females have yellowish-brown eyes. There are two other subspecies of box turtles in Alabama. They differ from the Eastern box turtle in the following ways. The three-toed box turtle (Terrapene carolina triunguis) has three toes on the hind feet. The Gulf Coast box turtle (Terrapene carolina major) approaches 9 inches in length.

DISTRIBUTION: – eastern box turtles for sale | baby eastern box turtle for sale

The Eastern box turtle is primarily found north of the Tennessee River. Intergrades between the Eastern box turtle and the three-toed box turtle occur between the Tennessee River and coastal plain. The Gulf Coast box turtle occurs in counties near the Florida line and intergrades with the three-toed box turtle in the lower coastal plain.

Preferred habitats are wooded wetlands and moist forested areas. Hot and dry conditions force the turtles to inhabit wet areas like stream banks, wetlands, and pond edges.

Box turtles are considered omnivorous, because their diet consists of a wide variety of food items. Flowers, roots, fungi, berries, snails, slugs, insects, fish, frogs, salamanders, snakes, and eggs are all possible meals for box turtles. Young turtles are carnivores, but after they reach the age of five or six years, they become primarily herbivores.

Box turtles take six to seven years to reach sexual maturity, and are one of the slowest reproducing turtle species in the world. After breeding, females lay two to seven elongate eggs in a cavity underground. Sometimes two or more clutches are laid per breeding season. Young box turtles hatch in early fall and are about 1.5 inches long. Baby box turtles are rarely seen because they spend most of their time partially underground or under rotting logs. Box turtles commonly live to be 25 or 30 years old, and some reports claim they live more than 50 years.

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Three-toed box turtle Mon, 27 Feb 2023 11:05:25 +0000 THREE TOED BOX TURTLE Caresheet | three toed box turtles for sale | captive bred three toed box turtles for sale Common Names: three toed box turtle for sale Scientific Name: Terrapene carolina triunguis Origin: This subspecies of the common box turtle is native to the south-central region of the United States. It usually has just [...]

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THREE TOED BOX TURTLE Caresheet | three toed box turtles for sale | captive bred three toed box turtles for sale

Common Names: three toed box turtle for sale
Scientific Name: Terrapene carolina triunguis
Origin: This subspecies of the common box turtle is native to the south-central region of the United States. It usually has just three toes on the rear feet. Other box turtles have four.
Size: 5″-6″
Lifespan: 40-50 years

You will find many ways on the internet on “how to” take care three toed box turtle for sale. This care sheet is showing the way we found works best for us from our many years of experience of caring for this species.

In the wild, the Box Turtle rate of reproduction is not high. As a result, the collecting of them from their natural habitat could be damaging to the population. Only purchase captive-bred turtles and from reputable reptile stores or breeders.

The Three Toed Box Turtle lives in a diversity of habitats from meadows to forests. However, they are usually not far from water. In captivity, large secure outdoor enclosures are ideal if you live in a favorable climate. They like to move around. For adults kept indoors, the larger the enclosure the better, a minimum size of 2″ x 4″. But it is important to let your turtle out to explore in your home. They don’t like being cooped up.

Because Three Toed Box Turtles turtle will want to burrow, you should line the enclosure with a good loose substrate mixture of 2 parts Zoo Med eco earth and 1 part Exo Terra natural sand, at least 4″ to 5″ deep or deeper for adults. Keep it clean by spot cleaning whenever they go to the bathroom.

Provide a hideplants, and other cover. Slabs of bark, hollow logs, or the like for them to take shelter in.

LIGHTING & TEMPERATURES – three toed box turtles for sale

You’ll want to keep your enclosures ambient temperature around 75 degrees with night time temperature drop only down to 70 degrees. A basking spot of 85-90 degrees should also be provided at one end of the enclosure. Use a good quality temperature gauge, like Zoo Meds digital temp gauge or Exo Terras Thermometer to figure out the temperatures in your enclosure.

They will need a UVB light to help properly process calcium and to synthesize vitamin D3. Since they are not out in natural sunlight in our homes, we must provide UVB light in the form of a special fluorescent bulb designed to produce UVB rays. The best bulbs are the mercury vapors such as Exo Terra’s Solar Glo bulbs, ZooMed’s Powersun, or Solar bright bulbs. These bulbs provide heat and UVB all in one bulb. You can also use separate basking (heat) bulb and UVB bulbs. If you use these, you will want the Zoo Med 5.0 or Exo Terra UVB 100 variety.

Moisture is vital to Three Toed Box Turtles.  Shallow Exo Terra bowls or the Zoo Med repti ramp both work well. In addition, mist your turtles enclosure every day to keep the substrate damp.

You will want to soak babies in a shallow bowl of room temperature water every morning for approx. 15 mins. to help them stay hydrated.

Box Turtles are omnivores and require a balanced diet. They do eat some plants–broadleaf weeds and a variety of dark leafy greens. The occasional fruits and vegetables too. They love earthworms, mealworms,  hornworms, waxworms, and crickets.

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Diamondback Terrapin For Sale Mon, 27 Feb 2023 10:41:08 +0000 diamondback terrapins for sale | diamondback terrapin turtle for sale | ornate diamondback terrapin for sale We have some gorgeous captive bred baby diamondback terrapin for sale as well as well started 6-month-old baby diamondback terrapins for sale.  Diamondback terrapins are turtles with concentric, diamond-shaped markings and grooves on the scutes (plates) of their carapaces [...]

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diamondback terrapins for sale | diamondback terrapin turtle for sale | ornate diamondback terrapin for sale

We have some gorgeous captive bred baby diamondback terrapin for sale as well as well started 6-month-old baby diamondback terrapins for sale.  Diamondback terrapins are turtles with concentric,

diamond-shaped markings and grooves on the scutes (plates) of their carapaces (top shells), which range from medium gray or brown to nearly black.

Their skin color is a pale to dark gray or black, flecked with dark spots, blotches or stripes. –

baby diamondback terrapin for sale 


The hingeless plastron (bottom shell) is yellow to green or black and may be marked with dark blotches. No two individual diamondback terrapins are exactly alike in coloration and pattern.

Their feet are strongly webbed; the hind feet are especially large and flat. These large webbed feet and muscular legs make terrapins strong swimmers,

a necessary ability when living in an environment with daily tidal changes and strong currents.

When choosing any diamondback terrapin for sale or any turtle for sale it is important that you purchase a healthy animal from an experienced turtle breeder. Captive bred diamondback terrapin babies for sale should always be purchased over a wild caught adults when possible.  With a biologist ON SITE,

our diamondback terrapin for sale is top notch and ready to ship to you via UPS or FedEx Overnight in heated or cooled,

insulated shipping boxes and come with our live arrival and full 7-day health guarantee.  One shipping charge covers up to 4 turtles or tortoises.

Remember when searching for any tortoise for sale, including a new baby tortoise for sale,

Turtle Store is your source for the best tortoise for sale, baby tortoises for sale,

baby turtles for sale, and adult turtles for sale of any turtle store anywhere.  If you are interested in tortoise care, please visit our care section.

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Wood Turtle for sale Mon, 27 Feb 2023 01:06:28 +0000 North American Wood Turtle for sale | central american wood turtle for sale Possibly the smartest in the reptile kingdom, known for being even smarter than many mammals, the Wood Turtle for sale turtle makes a fantastic and fascinating pet turtle.  They aren’t only beautiful, cute and super smart, but they also become quite personable [...]

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North American Wood Turtle for sale | central american wood turtle for sale

Possibly the smartest in the reptile kingdom, known for being even smarter than many mammals, the Wood Turtle for sale turtle makes a fantastic and fascinating pet turtle.  They aren’t only beautiful, cute and super smart, but they also become quite personable depending on the amount of time spent with them.  We do highly recommend the 6-month-old well started baby North American wood turtles for sale and 1-year-olds over the more fragile North American wood turtle hatchlings for sale, all sizes/ages are available thru the drop-down menu.

baby North American Wood Turtles for sale

They are omnivores that will eat both plant and animal matter, such as wax-worms, earthworms, snails, berries, fruits, and grasses.  Our captive bred baby North American wood turtles for sale are ready to ship to you via UPS Overnight in a heated or cooled, insulated box and come with our live arrival and full 7-day health guarantee.  One shipping charge covers up to 4 tortoises or turtle for sale.

Remember when searching for any tortoises for sale, including a new baby tortoise for sale, tortoise town is your source for the best tortoise for sale , baby tortoises for sale and turtles for sale turtle store anywhere.  Shop a full selection of baby turtles for sale online.

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Mississippi map turtle for sale Mon, 27 Feb 2023 00:40:32 +0000 Mississippi Map turtle for sale  Mississippi Map turtle for sale  are aquatic turtles that spend most of their time swimming. When they’re not swimming, they enjoy a dry basking area outside the water.   We have some spectacular baby Mississippi Map turtles for sale online that are 100% captive bred.  Our captive bred baby map turtle [...]

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Mississippi Map turtle for sale 

Mississippi Map turtle for sale  are aquatic turtles that spend most of their time swimming. When they’re not swimming, they enjoy a dry basking area outside the water.   We have some spectacular baby Mississippi Map turtles for sale online that are 100% captive bred.  Our captive bred baby map turtle for sale inventory consists of some of the nicest map turtles for sale online.

We currently have Mississippi map turtle hatchlings for sale as well as Baby map turtle for sale including well started  and yearling baby map turtles for sale.

Baby Map Turtles for sale
When choosing any baby Mississippi Map turtle for sale or any baby turtle for sale

it is important that you purchase a healthy animal from an experienced turtle breeder. Captive bred baby map turtles for sale should always be purchased over a wild caught adults when possible.

Passion tortoise has the nicest baby map turtles for sale in the USA!
With a biologist ON SITE,

our baby map turtle for sale are top notch and ready to ship to you via FedEx Overnight in heated or cooled,

insulated shipping boxes and come with our live arrival and 7-day7 day health guarantee.  One shipping charge covers up to 4 turtles for sale or tortoises for sale online.  Remember when searching for any tortoises for sale,

including a new baby tortoise for sale, Turtle Store is your source for the best tortoise for sale,

baby tortoises for sale, baby turtles for sale, and adult turtles for sale of any turtle store anywhere.  If you are interested in tortoise care, please visit our care section.

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